Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You have to laugh.

We're on Padre Island in Southeastern Texas, and, now, follow me on this:

It's 40 degrees, and windy. Gusts up to 50 mpg rock the motor home. A cold rain spits and spats, then pours. Is that hail? Thunder?

There's been a red tide, so dead fish litter the beach and the dogs can't be off leash because the fish are poisonous.

Each day, at 7:30 a.m., a payloader gets to work (beep, beep, beep) moving sand around on the beach, I don't know why. And a work crew is rebuilding the showers. Slowly.

At least we have a campfire to warm our hands (see pic).

Hello Muddah. Hellow Faddah, here I am at Camp Granada ....


Anonymous said...

At least the hail didn't dent your sense of humor! Your ending made both Dave and I laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Would love it to be better for you but it's pretty bad everywhere this year. Traditional warm and sunny areas are NOT.
We are loving your blog, reading many at a time.
Remembering that camp song makes us laugh out loud!

Nancy K said...

The sun has come out. The ocean calms to a purrs. So, Muddah, Faddah kindly disregard this letter. :)