I'm looking forward to the 20th Annual Downtown Stuart Art Festival.
Which will be next year.
Today, I'm enjoying, thoroughly, the 19th annual one especially
because of the fairy tale world I see in the art of Avner Zabari.
Zabari designs furniture, tables, chair, storage compartments, that
sort of thing. But, WOW! He does it outside the box and inside the
world of whimsy.
I want I want I WANT the fanciful chest of drawers Allen is standing
next to in the picture above. It's a wonderful, delicious, energetic,
Alice-in-Wonderland chest of drawers with a name: "Trying to Be Good."
How cool is that! A piece of furniture with a name.
Recently I bought a basket my husband calls "Texas" (as in "My keys
are in Texas." Or "The change is in Texas.") It makes sense
because the basket is in the shape of Texas. It cost $1.99.
My delightful, exquisite "Trying to Be Good" esoterically reflects its name: If it were really good, perhaps all of the drawers would
line up. It costs $3,400.
I won't buy "Trying to Be Good." But, as I said earlier, I look forward to next year's show because Zabari might return with even more fabulous furniture for me to fall down that rabbit hole with, even for just a few minutes.
Stuart! I used to live there. Loved it. My favorite past life! Thanks for the memories. :-)
You are very welcome. It's a great place to make memories in.
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